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Fluvial Corridor Toolbox

The Fluvial Corridor Toolbox is a set of geoalgorithms intended to describe and measure fluvial features and processes.

If your are looking for the ArcGIS version of the toolbox, please go to Fluvial Corridor Toolbox for ArcGIS.

Supported versions of QGis

This branch is under development and is an open effort to support QGis 3 (currently QGis 3.4).

Quick install

To quickly install the latest released version, add the following repository to your QGIS plugin repositories :

Then check the Show experimental plugins box, and install the Fluvial Corridor Toolbox plugin with the QGIS plugin manager.


The toolbox is developed within the programme Trame bleue, espaces et continuités in collaboration with :

Funding and support have been kindly provided by :

Supporting Partners


The Fluvial Corridor Toolbox is released under the GNU Public License.