EVS-GIS projects

Shiny Apps


⚙️ https://isig-apps.ens-lyon.fr/apps/glourb/glourbapp/

This app (still in development) shows the results of the [GloUrb project](https://glourb.universite-lyon.fr/), which deals with the global urbanization of floodplains and its consequences.


⚙️ https://isig-apps.ens-lyon.fr/apps/glourb/riviewlet/

This app (still in development) describes fluvial corridors in time and space using data extracted by Google Earth Engine through the [glourbee](https://github.com/EVS-GIS/glourbee) user interface.


⚙️ https://isig-apps.ens-lyon.fr/apps/lvaudor/waveleT/

This app deals with time or spatial series and helps apply and interpret wavelet transforms of the data, enabling a multi-scalar analysis.


⚙️ https://isig-apps.ens-lyon.fr/apps/mapdo/mapdoapp/

This app helps visualizing and analyzing metrics describing river networks. It builds on data extracted with the FCT toolbox (see below).


Fluvial Corridor Toolbox (FCT)

🔗 https://github.com/EVS-GIS/python-fct

The FCT toolbox enables mapping fluvial corridors and measuring river features from very large datasets.


🔗 https://github.com/EVS-GIS/glourbee

glourbee uses Google Earth Engine to extract metrics through time on river corridors reaches.