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This function adds a metric layer with custom symbology to a leaflet map. It allows you to specify custom parameters for the Web Map Service (WMS) request, apply a CQL (Common Query Language) filter, and provide a custom SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) body for styling the layer. Additionally, you can specify the data axis to display on the map.


  wms_params = params_wms()$metric,
  cql_filter = "",
  sld_body = "",



A leaflet map object to which the metric layer will be added.


A list containing WMS parameters for the metric layer. If not provided, default parameters are retrieved using the params_wms function.


A character string representing a CQL filter to apply to the metric layer.


A character string representing the SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) body for custom styling of the metric layer.


A data axis to display on the map.


A leaflet map object with the metric layer added.


# Create init bassin map
map_bassin <- map_init_bassins(bassins_data = bassin_hydrographique,
                               id_logo_ign_remonterletemps = "logo_ign_remonterletemps")

# simulate bassin selected
selected_bassin <- bassin_hydrographique

# get centroid coordinate (in shiny see leaflet mapid_shape_click)
centre <- sf::st_centroid(selected_bassin)
#> Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
centre_coord <- %>%
  rename("lng" = X,
         "lat" = Y)

# map region
map_region <- map_add_regions_in_bassin(map = map_bassin,
                                        bassins_data = bassin_hydrographique,
                                        bassin_click = centre_coord,
                                        regions_data = region_hydrographique)

# simulate selected region
selected_region <- region_hydrographique

# get centroid coordinate (in shiny see leaflet mapid_shape_click)
centre_region <- sf::st_centroid(selected_bassin)
#> Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries
centre_region_coord <- %>%
  rename("lng" = X,
         "lat" = Y)
centre_region_coord$id <- 11

con = db_con()
#> Error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
#> 	Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?
# get ROE in region
roe_region <- data_get_roe_in_region(centre_region_coord$id, con = con)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'conn' in selecting a method for function 'sqlInterpolate': object 'con' not found
# get hydro sites in region
hydro_sites_region <- data_get_hydro_sites(centre_region_coord$id, con = con)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'conn' in selecting a method for function 'sqlInterpolate': object 'con' not found

# map the element in the region clicked
map <- map_region_clicked(map = map_region,
                          region_click = centre_region_coord,
                          selected_region_feature = selected_region,
                          regions_data = region_hydrographique,
                          roe_region = roe_region,
                          hydro_sites_region = hydro_sites_region)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'hydro_sites_region' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'map' not found

# build geoserver WMS filter
cql_filter=paste0("gid_region=", selected_region[["gid"]])

# build geoserver SLD symbology
sld_body <- sld_get_style(breaks = sld_get_quantile_metric(
                                    selected_region_id = selected_region[["gid"]],
                                    selected_metric = "active_channel_width",
                                    con = con),
                          colors = sld_get_quantile_colors(
                                    quantile_breaks = sld_get_quantile_metric(
                                       selected_region_id = selected_region[["gid"]],
                                       selected_metric = "active_channel_width",
                                       con = con)),
                          metric = "active_channel_width")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'conn' in selecting a method for function 'sqlInterpolate': object 'con' not found
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'conn' in selecting a method for function 'dbDisconnect': object 'con' not found

# Network axis by region
network_region_axis <- network_axis %>%
  filter(gid_region == selected_region[["gid"]])

# Add metric with quantile symbology
# wms_params = params_wms()$metric_basic with sld_body = NULL for default blue style$
map_metric <- map_metric(map = map,
                         wms_params = params_wms()$metric,
                         cql_filter = cql_filter,
                         sld_body = sld_body,
                         data_axis = network_region_axis)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'sld_body' not found
#> function (map, wms_params = params_wms()$metric, cql_filter = "", 
#>     sld_body = "", data_axis) 
#> {
#>     map %>% clearGroup(params_map_group()[["axis"]]) %>% clearGroup(params_map_group()[["metric"]]) %>% 
#>         map_wms_metric(wms_params = wms_params, cql_filter = cql_filter, 
#>             sld_body = sld_body) %>% map_axis(data_axis = data_axis)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55db87de7438>
#> <environment: namespace:mapdoapp>